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作者:歌谱网 来源:http://www.gepuwang.net/ 时间:2016-11-16
老橡树下的黄丝带萨克斯谱该歌谱演奏者为Irwin Levine,歌曲名称为老橡树下的黄丝带,歌谱类型为萨克斯谱。“老橡树上的黄丝带”(Tie A Yellow Ribbon (Round The Old Oak Tree))是1973年由欧文.莱文(Irwin Levine)和L.罗素布朗(L. Russell Brown))创作的歌曲。Dawn featuring Tony Orlando的录制演唱让这首歌流行全球。这首歌1973年在美国和英国是最畅销的歌。


追溯到1959年以前, 一个罪犯告诉他的爱人在镇外的树上系上一个丝带的故事是美国民间故事。1971年10月,报纸专栏作家皮特·哈米尔(Pete Hamill)在"纽约邮报"(New York Post)写了一篇被称为“回家”的故事。他告诉了一个不同的故事, 故事说去劳德代尔堡海滩(Fort Lauderdale)的公共汽车上,一个刑满释放的人告诉了车上大学生们他的故事, 他们最后都看见了佐治亚州的不伦瑞克(Brunswick)路边的橡树上的黄手帕。哈米尔表示他是听人讲的这个故事。​​9个月后的1972年6月,《读者文摘》转载了“回家”的故事。在1972年6月,ABC电视台播出了这个故事的电视剧, 詹姆斯·厄尔·琼斯(James Earl Jones)饰演这个回家的刑满释放的人。月半后,欧文.莱文(Irwin Levine)和L.罗素布朗创作了这个“老橡树上的黄丝带”(Tie A Yellow Ribbon (Round The Old Oak Tree))的歌曲。


I'm comin' home, I've done my time
Now I've got to know what is and isn't mine
If you received my letter tellin' you I'd soon be free
Then you'll know just what to do if you still want me
If you still want me
Tie a yellow ribbon 'round the old oak tree
It's been three long years
Do you still want me?
If I don't see a ribbon round the old oak tree
I'll stay on the bus
Forget about us
Put the blame on me
If I don't see a yellow ribbon round the old oak tree
Bus driver, please look for me
'Cause I couldn't bear to see what I might see
I'm really still in prison, and my love she holds the key
A simple yellow ribbon's what I need to set me free
I wrote and told her this:
Now the whole damn bus is cheering
And I can't believe I see
A hundred yellow ribbons 'round the old oak tree
I'm comin' home

