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作者:歌谱网 来源:http://www.gepuwang.net/ 时间:2017-06-10
HeartbreakStation吉他谱该歌谱演奏者为cinderella ,歌曲名称为HeartbreakStation,歌谱类型为吉他谱。《Heartbreak Station》是环球唱片于1990年1月1日发行的一张专辑,由Cinderella演唱。











《Heartbreak Station》是美国重金属摇滚乐队Cinderella  (灰姑娘)于1990年推出的第三张专辑,每个吹毛求疵的乐评都不得不对它停止了批评,哀怨的布鲁斯与激烈的硬摇滚聚在一起凑成了一锅美味的大餐,加上吹奏乐器的大量使用,弦乐部分由 Led Zeppelin(齐柏林飞艇)乐队的元老 John Paul Jones 安排,Cinderella 已成为一支非常优秀的摇滚乐队。该专辑收录了11首单曲,其中第四首为该专辑同名专辑Heartbreak Station


Waiting at the station 等候在这车站
Tears filling up my eyes 泪水涌上了我的双眼
Sometimes the pain you hide 此刻那掩饰的痛苦
Burns like a fire inside 在胸中如烈火般灼烧
Look out my window 窗外飞驰的风景
Sometimes it’s hard to see 刹那间变得模糊不清
The things you want in life 那些你渴求的事物
Come and go so easily 得失原来是如此的容易
She took the last train 她乘着这末班列车
Out of my heart ooo, ooo 驶出了我的心房
She took the last train 她已一去不返
And now I think I’ll make a brand new start 而今我应当重头来过
She took the last train out of my heart 这末班列车 带走了我的爱人
Watching the days go by 注视着流逝的时光
Thinking ’bout the plans we made 回忆着往日的梦想
The days turn into years 那些日子如此美好
Funny how they fade away 可如今它们身在何方
Sometimes I think of those days 有时我咀嚼着那些记忆
Sometimes I just hide away 有时我只想把它们忘记
Waiting on that 9:20 train 守侯着9点20的列车
Waiting on a memory 守侯着昨日的你
She took the last train 她乘着这末班列车
Out of my heart ooo, ooo 驶出了我的心房
She took the last train 她已一去不返
And now I think I’ll make a brand new start 而今我应当重头来过
She took the last train out of my heart 这末班列车 带走了我的爱人
My lady’s on the fly and she’s never coming back 我的爱人乘风归去已成为了回忆
My love is like a steam train rolling down the tracks yea, yea 那段爱随着列车轰鸣永不会继续
She took the last train 她乘着这末班列车
Out of my heart ooo, ooo 驶出了我的心房
She took the last train 她已一去不返
And now I think I’ll make a brand new start 而今我应当重头来过
She took the last train out of my heart 这末班列车 带走了我的爱人
She took the last train 她乘着这末班列车
Out of my heart ooo, ooo 驶出了我的心房
She took the last train 她已一去不返
And now I think I’ll make a brand new start 而今我应当重头来过
Last train out of my heart 这末班列车 带走了我的爱人
