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yankee doodle简谱

作者:歌谱网 来源:http://www.gepuwang.net/ 时间:2017-03-26
yankee doodle简谱该歌谱演奏者为Larry Groce/Disneyland Children'S Sing-Along Chorus  ,歌曲名称为yankee doodle,歌谱类型为简谱。歌手: Larry Groce/Disneyland Children'S Sing-Along Chorus  所属专辑:《Children'S Favorites, Vol. 2》  歌曲标签:英文儿歌  歌曲语言:英文

yankee doodle简谱

yankee doodle简谱


终止线是在乐曲最后,将要结束的地方,这里就不能单纯的画小节线,而是要区别一般的小节线来表示,这种表示的方法是用两条竖线,其中一条细线,一条粗线并行,细的一条在前,粗的一条在后,这叫“终止线”,表明乐曲终了。 方法是:手往下拍是半拍,手掌拿起有半拍,一下一上是一拍。音乐中的音符除了有高低之分外,当然还要表示长短之分。这里引用一个基础的音乐术语----拍子。拍子是表示音符长短的重要概念。表示音乐的长短需要有一个相对固定的时间概念。简谱里将音符分为全音符、二分音符、四分音符、八分音符、十六分音符、三十二分音符等。在这几个音符里面最重要的是四分音符,它是一个基本参照度量长度,即四分音符为一拍。这里一拍的概念是一个相对时间度量单位。一拍的长度没有限制,可以是1秒也可以是2秒或半秒。假如一拍是一秒的长度,那么二拍就是两秒;一拍定为半秒的话,两拍就是一秒的长度。一旦这个基础的一拍定下来,那么比一拍长或短的符号就相对容易了。


Yankee Doodle went to town  A-riding on a pony  Stuck a feather in his hat  And called it macaroni  Yankee Doodle, keep it up  Yankee Doodle, Dandy  Mind the music and the step  And with the girls be handy  Father and I went down to camp  Along with Captain Goodwin  There were the men and boys  As thick as hasty puddin'  Yankee Doodle, keep it up  Yankee Doodle, Dandy  Mind the music and the step  And with the girls be handy  And there was Captain Washington  Upon a slapping stallion  Giving orders to his men  I guess there were a million  Yankee Doodle, keep it up  Yankee Doodle, Dandy  Mind the music and the step  And with the girls be handy  "Yankee Doodle" is a tune  That comes in mighty handy  The enemy all runs away  At "Yankee Doodle Dandy"  Yankee Doodle, keep it up  Yankee Doodle, Dandy  Mind the music and the step  And with the girls be handy
