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我的化学罗曼史 my chemical romance

作者:歌谱网 来源:http://www.gepuwang.net/ 时间:2015-06-11
歌曲名 演唱 作词 作曲 基调

我的化学罗曼史 my chemical romance 

1.gerard way在9.11事件发生时在纽约打工,他看到了从双子大厦上掉下来的尸体,正是这件事激励他辞掉了在网络卡通公司的工作并组建mcr.几天之后他就创作
了自己第一首作品"skylines and turnstiles".
4.贝斯手mikey way是在在书店打工期间想到了mcr这个名字,他看到了本irvine welsh的书叫"入迷;三个化学浪漫史的故事",这个短语引发了他的遐想.当时正沉陷于抗镇定剂{应该是某类drug吧?}的gerard觉得这个名字简直合适极了.
6.ray和gerard曾经参加过一个叫"nancy drew"的pop-punk乐队.他们散伙前在一个滑板公园演出了一场,那以后两个人几年都没再见过.
7.gerard原本是想当个吉他手,但是他弹的实在不怎么样.他因为学不会lynyrd skynyrd乐队的"sweet home alabama"中一个极简单(piss-easy不知怎翻..)段子,还被一个乐队开除过..
9.在早期的一次帮乐队"underoath"助场的tour上(突然意识到underoath是个乐队 我又犯轴了),mcr穷得以至于要去头牌乐队的零售商品摊位上偷t-shirt(0rz...),因为他们连自己的衣服都买不起..
10. 04年warped tour的一次表演中,gerard醉到连自己裤子掉下来都没注意到.2004年8月,他第一次清醒未醉的演出,也是鼓手bob进团后的第一次演出.现在mcr回想起来,那次就是把他们推向成名的转折点.
11.bob很迷90年代那个缺心眼的喜剧角色"mr bean"(-"-)
12.在早期的tour中,这个乐队经常落下吉他手ray就开车跑了.使得ray老得打电话给他们说:"hey 不觉得车里少了点什么么!?"
13.在mcr第一次的演出上,gerard穿了一件写有"thank you for the venom"字样的自制t-shirt,这段话几年后成了他们一首歌的名字."我计划事情,就是这么提前"他说.
14.gerard第一个爱上的乐队是"iron maiden","他们改变了一切,"他说."他
们给了我演出的基础"(they gave me that element of theatre 不知理解正
确否).那以后他又喜欢上了the misfits,black flag和the smiths.
15.frank iero在乐队录制首张专辑的前两天才加入.那之前,他在pencey
First Name: Gerard
Middle name: Arthur
Last Name: Way
Home Town: Newark, New Jersey
(Born in Newark but grew up in Belleville)
Birthday: April, 9th 1977
Sign: Aries
Eyes: Green, Goldish brown
Height: 5'7"-5'8"
Marital Status: In a relationship
Piercings: NONE, He's afraid of needles.
Band Role: Vocals, Lyrics
Fav. Bands: Iron Maiden, The Cure, Morrisey, & The Misfits
"Now all you have to do is catch the flu, have
your mommy yell at you for not calling, and then
you're in My Chemical Romance."-Gerard Way
Gerard has been sober since August 2004.
He used to be a little bit heavier weight wise.
Gerard Founded MCR with original drummer Matt Pelisser.
He doesn't like physical work.(manual labor)
He was going to be a cartoon artist.
He went to Art School in New York.
He once worked as a a cart boy/bagger at a Grocery store.
He smokes.
His mothers name is Donna.
He claims he is not Goth but that MCR being labelled Goth is because of the song Vampires Will Never Hurt You.
His fathers name is Donald.
He is 1/2 Scottish (fathers side) and 1/2 Italian (mothers side).
He loves the issue of X-Men that Wolverine is being crucified to a wooden "X".
His favourite X-Men charector is Wolverine.
He loves theatre.
He also loves David Bowie.
His cartoon was named "The Breakfast Monkey"
He is very heavily infulenced by Iron Maiden.
He does take off the make up when he's not on stage.
He thinks of MCR as charectors or a "gang"
He actually sings during the making of their videos, he gives it 110%!
He says the reason for wearing so much black and red is because, to him those are the colors of a funeral.
Red and Black are also the MCR "gangs" colors, or so Gerard says.
He designed a shirt for for the band Thursday.
He is obsessed with death, and has been since he realized everyone has to die and everyone will die alone when, he realizes that at 8yrs old.
He is still in therapy and loves it!
His dream car is a Red Corvette liscenced plated "KNIVES"
He has had many "spooky" expiriences with Quijia boards.
He learned how to Draw, Sing, and Perform from his grandmother Elena.
He plays guitar.
He smokes Marlboro Light Red Cigarettes.
Nipple rings freak him out! (Thank you to my super bodacious member/wife PaleCow)
He Graduate from the School of Visual Arts which is one of the most prestigeous art schools in
the North East.
Gerard used to stalk Christina Ricci
Gerard came up with the wardrobe ideas for "helena" video.
Gerard was so messed up on drugs and/or alcohol, Every MCR member but him were on stage 1 and he was on stage 2. (at Warped '04)
Gerard loves image videos like all of The Cures videos.
Gerard loves the Nine Inch Nails.
Gerard gets inspiration to write songs from reading the newspaper.
(MCR isn't really a gang, that's like a metaphor)
Its fine if you Take this but credit me because i did it myself, so please be nice and credit me...thanks!
据国外媒体报道,已经有12年历史的美国另类摇滚乐队我的化学罗曼史(My Chemical Romance)近日突然宣布解散。
  当地时间3月22日晚,我的化学罗曼史在官网发表了一篇声明,正式宣布解散。他们写道:“就像所有美好的事物一样,结束的时候到了。”声明中向歌迷表示了感谢,并称12年的音乐生涯是一种福气。我的化学罗曼史来自新泽西,成立于2001年,次年发行了首张专辑《I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love》(我给你子弹,你给我爱)。乐队的成功是从2004年的第二张专辑《Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge》(为甜蜜的复仇三呼万岁)开始的,它和2006年的《The Black Parade》(黑色游行)均达到白金销量。乐队最后一张专辑是三年前发行的《Danger Days: The True Lives Of The Fabulous Killjoys》(危险的日子:扫兴者的真实生活),也获得了好评。
  就在去年5月,吉他手弗兰克-艾罗(Frank Iero)还跟媒体谈论第五张专辑的工作计划,称已经开始创作,并且进展得“十分顺利”。即便是最近几个月,乐队也没有中断他们的“Conventional Weapons”(常规武器)计划:从去年十月开始,连续五个月每月推出两首之前未发表的作品。这次的解散声明着实让歌迷感到意外,目前乐队还没有就此事作出进一步的解释。
