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I Will Survive萨克斯谱

作者:歌谱网 来源:http://www.gepuwang.net/ 时间:2016-10-18
I Will Survive萨克斯谱该歌谱演奏者为Gloria Gaynor,歌曲名称为I Will Survive,歌谱类型为萨克斯谱。"I Will Survive" 这首 1979 年蝉联六周冠军白金曲,成为当时 70 年代 Disco 必备歌曲,法国世界杯足球队开赛歌选用此曲;此曲更是被滚石评为 100 首最伟大的作品之一。
I Will Survive萨克斯谱


1978 年春天Gloria Gaynor 在欧洲登台时不小心跌落舞台,使得 Gloria Gaynor 脊髓受损并卧病在床达九个月之久,加上复健期间母亲又去世,这许多的打击几乎让她崩溃。康复后她努力振作,找来了两位制作人 Dino Fekaris、Freddie Perren 共同写下这首 "I Will Survive" 证明自己战胜了怯懦,这首 "I Will Survive" 的推出,便将Gloria Gaynor 推上事业的巅峰就如同歌词所写到的 "I've Got All My Life To Live,I Will Survive" 一样。


At first I was afraid I was petrified 起初我很害怕,不知所措
Kept thinking I could never live without you by my side 一直在想:没有你在身边,我一定活不下去
But then I spent so many nights 但是后来,我花了很多个夜晚
Thinking how you did me wrong 思考你是如何辜负了我
And I grew strong 我变得坚强
And I learn how to get along 学会了独立
And so you're back from outer space 然而,你从外头回到了这里
I just walked in to find you here with that sad look upon your face 我走进来,发现了满脸愁容的你
I should have changed that stupid lock 我早该换门锁
I should have made you leave your key 我早该叫你把钥匙留下
If I'd known for just one second you'd be back to bother me 如果我早知道你会回来骚扰我的话
*Go on now, go walk out the door 走吧!滚到外面去
Just turn around now 请你转身离开
(Cos) You're not welcome anymore 你已经不受欢迎
Weren't you the one who tried to hurt me with goodbye 你就是那个用分手来伤害我的家伙
you think I'd crumble 你以为我崩溃了
Did you think I'd lay down and die 你以为我会坐以待毙
Oh no, not I, I will survive 哦!不,我会活下去
Oh as long as I know how to love I know I'll stay alive 一旦我学会如何去爱,我就能活下去
I've got all my life to live 我会用一生好好过日子
I've got all my love to give and I'll survive 我会用全部的爱去奉献,我会活下去
I will survive 我会活下去
It took all the strength I had not to fall apart 我用尽全身的力气,不让自己崩溃
Kept trying hard to mend the pieces of my broken heart 努力修补着我心碎的碎片
And I spent oh so many nights 我花了多少个夜晚
Just feeling sorry for myself 为自己感到难过
I used to cry but now I hold my head up high 我曾经哭泣,但现在的我昂首阔步
And you see me somebody new 你可以看到我已脱胎换骨
I'm not that chained up little person still in love with you 我已不是那个还爱着你而被束缚的卑微女子
And so you feel like dropping in 你说想来看我
And just expect me to be free 希望我有空见你
Now I'm saving all my loving for someone who's loving me 如今,我已把全部的爱都留给那个爱我的人

